03-12-20-Cornovirus (COVID-19)

Community Baptist Church

Community Baptist Church is staying up-to-date with the progress of the COVID-19 virus around the world.  As of today, there is one presumptive case known of COVID-19 in Maine. We understand that this could change so we want to be prepared for that should the virus spread throughout the state.

To help provide a safe environment for all those at Community Baptist Church, we have taken the following preventative actions:

  • We are asking people to avoid shaking hands and minimalizing body contact with others for the time being.  Our greeters will still welcome you into CBC but please be aware that germs spread quickly by person to person contact.
  • We have increased our regular and thorough cleaning routine, focusing on touchpoints like door handles, railings, and light switches.
  • Offering:  Beginning this weekend, we will not pass the offering plate.  There will be donation plates located at the entrance. We also encourage you to consider giving your offering online. Here are a couple of ways you can do this:
    • Please visit and click the “give” icon at the top OR
    • Text the word “GIVE” to the number 207-255-7466 and a link with directions will follow
  • Communion:  Temporarily, we are adjusting our Communion distribution process and finalizing a plan.  We will keep you updated on this.

If you are exhibiting any symptoms of the COVID-19 virus or the general flu, one of the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control is to avoid contact with large groups.  Please join us for church online by watching our recorded message if you are sick.  

Additional resources:


(ctrl + click to follow)

  • As with any normal flu season, follow these guidelines for keeping yourself and others healthy:

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. (20 seconds) If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 62% alcohol base.

Cough or sneeze in a disposable Kleenex or your elbow.  (Please do not use your hand to cover your mouth.)

Eat healthy and drink lots of fluids

Do not go to work, school, or church if you or your child is sick.  

Please join CBC leadership as we pray for discernment during this time.  As always, we trust God for His protection. If you have additional questions, please email me at and I will do my best to help.

In Christ,

Pastor Russell Stewart